FAQs about Thirty One
My Questions and Answers about Thirty-One!
If you have additional questions, please contact me directly at 31gotojunkie@gmail.com. The OFFICIAL Thirty-One website is www.thirtyonegifts.com.
If you are like me you like to do some research before buying items through a company you do not know, therefore I would like to go into the FAQs I have gotten about Thirty One.Why is the company called “Thirty-One”?
I remember the very first time I heard about Thirty One. My sister was having a party online and I wanted to help her out. After several hours of debate I purchased my first Skirt Purse. To this day it is my favorite and longest used item I own. After looking into the company farther, I could not wait to sign up! The name “Thirty-One” comes from Proverbs 31 which talks about a virtuous woman.
I love knowing that I work for a company where the everyone helps you succeed and the top executives take careful consideration in every company decision and pray for everyone involved in their company.
What are the benefits of being a Thirty-One Consultant?
At first, I really only wanted Thirty-One to provide me with enough income to allow me to help maintain my family household. I found out from my sponsor, I would receive 25% commission on my sales right from the start. I realized I really did not have to sell much to make the money I needed.
I have realized that there are so many other benefits of being a consultant with Thirty-One.
I am able to work when I have the time and it gives me an excuse to through some parties and meet new people. I have not had a customer that did not like the product so far. I also have met some wonderful people who work for Thirty One and really want to help you succeed in the business. If you would like to have a conversation about the Thirty-One career path and how Thirty-One can help you and your family, I would love the opportunity to talk with you in more detail! Also I can take this business where ever we move!
How do I place a Thirty-One order?
You can view our monthly specials and place an order on my independent consultant website www.mythirtyone.com/mpfeifer
You can browse our catalogs and place your order online. If you live in Sterling Colorado and would like to save the $4 direct shipping charge, you can contact me at 31gotojunkie@gmail.com to place an order and I will add it to a local party order.
What are the benefits of being a hostess for Thirty-One?
I have hosted several parties so far and without a lot of effort all of my hostesses have achieved great success with their parties. Rarely do I have a party under $500 therefore they got a lot of free products and they were able to have access to some of the hostess exclusives. The hostess exclusives are deeply discounted items that only the hostesses are allowed to order. There are several different options to choose from as well. The other benefit is if there is a party booked at your party, you get a booking bonus! Starting in May there will be several options to choose from for free! I have a lot of other benefits that I do with my personal hostesses, so if you would like to book a party or even have an online catalog party - contact me!
What is a “Suite Skirt Purse”?
I ordered my first skirt purse right after my first party and I absolutely love it! I think the best way to describe the skirt purse is it is a lot like the Miche Bags/Purses that most of you have heard of. You have a base bag and then you can purchase different skirts (shells) to attach around the base of the purse. The top of the purse folds over to hide the top of the skirt that is attached to the purse body by multiple metal fasteners. The skirts are very easy to replace making it a snap to change the look of your purse as often as you need to without having to transport all your “stuff” from one bag to another. The skirt purse comes in black or brown and is made with a high quality material that allows you to carry the bag without a skirt as well. The thing I like about the skirt purse from Thirty One is that the skirt purse initially comes with a free skirt of your choice! You can then purchase additional skirts to change the look of your purse without having to purchase a whole new purse! These are GREAT for traveling because the skirts pack flat and you can change your look to match your outfits!
What is the “fine print”, you know, the “hidden details” they don’t tell you until you sign up?
I am somewhat of a skeptic when things seem too good to be true; however, Thirty-One is a faith-based company and there are no surprises, no schemes, no new requirements you discover only after signing up. I know there are a lot of companies out there you can join, but I love this company because of the people and the products sell themselves! Even if you believe you might be interested, contact me in becoming a consultant, I will send you a ton of information and resources designed to help you make the most informed decision possible.
Is there a minimum I have to sell to stay a consultant?
I believe I am great at marketing, but I am not a great salesperson and I have two children to take care of as well as another job. Therefore, I wanted to start a business where there was not a lot of commitment. In order to remain an active consultant, you must submit a qualifying show or cumulative sales of $200 within a 3 month consecutive period. So far it has not been an issue at all because I have been able to do local parties as well as catalog parties and the sales are through the roof!
Do I have to recruit new consultants?
I would love to have a team to help me with the business; however, I am a very motivated person so I am very driven as an individual. It is hard for me to ask people to spend money to make money with a business like this and so I was relieved to know that I had no obligation to recruit new consultants. However, once I move with my family and get settled I know I cannot stop talking about this company so I know I will find others that love it as well! I know in order to have a successful solid business, I need a successful solid team around me!
How much time does it take to be a consultant?
I believe there is always more time in my day to do more, but with my full-time job as an Assistant Manager at a local lumber yard, my family and daily household I only put in about 10 hours per week and I make enough money to help keep up with bills and stash some away for fun stuff too. I also am able to afford all of the business supplies for running this business as well as have some extra money for the family and I to do some fun things. Therefore, it does not take a lot of time at all to become a consultant there is just so much money you can make with how much time you put it.
Is there an extra charge for personalization?
Yes. Embroidery is a flat $7 for an initial, monogram, word(s), or name or $10 for Icon personalization (icons like footballs tiaras etc). For hostess half-price items, the embroidery is half-off as well. Embroidery is FREE on hostess exclusive items as well as the FREE on the booking bonus.
Do consultants get commission on personalization?
Yes and I would say personalization adds a lot to each party order I do. It is also really good to find out that consultants make commission on retail orders and hostess credit overage. Consultants do not make commission on hostess half-price items.
Are my expenses as a consultant tax-deductible?
Yes! There are certain expenses that are tax-deductible but you should speak to a tax advisor or accountant for help in determining your deductions.
What is a “catalog party”?
A catalog party is a party where the hostess passes out catalogs to friends, family, and co-workers and takes the orders and payment either in person or online. The hostess decides when to end the catalog party and then passes on the orders to me and I enter them online just like a home party. There will also be an event link online on my website so that people can order directly online and pay by credit or debit card. I provide emails or paper invites that the customer can send out announcing the party and detailing how they can order. These can also be done through outlets like Facebook.
I’m ready to make my dreams come true! How do I sign up to be a consultant?
If you are ready to sign up, please email me at 31gotojunkie@gmail.com so that I can send you information on business supplies, career path, etc. Or you can visit my website www.mythirtyone.com/mpfeifer and select JOIN. I also want to coach you on how to set yourself up to earn $300 of products and business supplies in your first 45 days as well as earn your enrollment kit for FREE!
I’m ready to host a party and earn FREE PRODUCTS!! What do I need to do?
Please email me at 31gotojunkie@gmail.com. If you live within 1 hour of Sterling Colorado, I can schedule a home party. I can also help you set up a catalog or online party, I will mail you all of the information and catalogs you need. If you live farther away and would like to host a home party, I will find a consultant in your area that will be happy to help you.
If you have additional questions, please contact me directly at 31gotojunkie@gmail.com. My OFFICIAL Thirty-One website is www.mythirtyone.com/mpfeifer
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